Sunday, April 22, 2012

Well howdy there everyone

I've revamped the site music player... again..
I don't know, I jsut feel like my blog  is kind of dead now D: I'm just
too occupied with other things to worry about updating something that nobody reads.

But regardless I still continue to write here v___v someday
i hope that someone will be enjoying this!
which i doubt. 

Ah yes, something of the crafting sorts I suppose. It's a dragonstuck version of Aradia <:  I've been making these little clay dragons and I don't think they look too shabby. I made a sober gamzee dragon but I dropped him and his horn broke (R.I.P Sober Gamzee Dragon's horn. you'll never be forgotten).  My mother is pushing me to sell them but I am still not sure on the matter if anyone would WANT to buy one @_@ of course someone said on dA that I should sell them for 20 dollars. an outrageous price if you ask me. I'll probably have them going for  5 or 4 dollars at the most.

As for the development of my webcomic, things are going very slowly. I have so many characters I want to use but I only need 5. I don't even have a plot for it yet v___v classic. Of course I'll be using Teru and Blaine for sure, but as for some of the other characters I have.. I'm not so sure. 

I guess that's about it... 


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