Sunday, May 6, 2012

easy 2 lose yo breath gurl

Late night bloggings you big sillies!

because I feel like I've been very lazy when it comes to blogging. ; v;)/
oh well.
I still need to update my banner but i'm too lazy too. Pro at laziness.  yeah. my art seems to be a little... er.. strange recently. it seems like the style of shading has just sorta... gone wonky. really wonky.  so of course, it was time to draw something a little bit new:
Unnamed character o:
So, this is my first attempt of really trying to raw characters like this. well, i take that back, i've been drawing this little.. er.. guy? girl? not sure... well, for about a week now.

I'm just now having a terrible feeling dawning on me, I have a biology test tomorrow and i haven't studied a bit! Well, i do this every test.. but i still manage to scrape by. I'll just do what i always do and manage mon cheris <:  I don't know, i just really haven't taken a liking to biology... I do like science though.. especially astronomy and engineering. I'd never be able to become either of those, but surprisingly the two subjects just really make me happy. I'm sure I sound really stupid for saying that but... oh well : D   

And today.. well today has turned out to be a very good day indeed. I was having the feeling that the day was going to slowly become one of THOSE days. you know, the really boring ones. but surprisingly it picked up. I need to start taking more pictures for this place, it looks a bit empty....

 Lately I've been feeling more and more unwilling to even draw im just so bored now these days that even drawing has lost it's appeal. I just can't exactly figure out what to draw anymore... eugh.   Speaking of art though, on may 12th I'll be able to start selling my little dragon figures! But considering that's in just a mattter of days, I really need to get working and start making more little dragons, I can't risk falling behind in my work.
Perhaps after the 12th there will be some up on etsy. I'll be sure to alert everyone once that happens so don't worry vov

And now I'm realising how late it is. goodnight people, sleep well. I lieave you with this abomination of the art world

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